Prescott Airpark - Commercial Property

Installation of driveway and curb for a commercial lot in the Prescott Airpark. First step is permitting, second is breaking existing street curb to create driveway access followed by grading the slope of the lot to allow for easy driving access onto the property. Next step is forming the driveway entry and curb; setting steel for the concrete and then pouring the concrete driveway and curb. Once concrete is set then forms are removed and final inspection is called.


An Eriksson Services Project Excavation of building pad for custom home in The Preserve

A fourteen foot cut thru dirt and rock. This was the cut for the main level of the house another cut will be done for the basement level. The excavation required the removal of about 4000 yards of dirt.




Designer Homes & Renovation, LLC. ROC 233985 and ROC 279271





Bussell Interiors, Los Angeles/Prescott: Interior Architecture, Design & Furnishings. © Janet Bussell, Inc. All rights reserved. All materials (photos, images, text) contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Janet Bussell. Art direction & Web design: Marc Posch Design, Los Angeles: